Jaipur has been logistics hub for Rajasthan . It is considered as a major distribution centers for industrial goods, batteries, textile, automobiles, etc.
With the boom in e-commerce sector and GST announced, Jaipur will be the main center for warehousing in entire North India. But the warehousing industry is still largely unorganized in Jaipur.
It's very difficult to find market ready warehouse in Jaipur. Bulk of warehouses are not legal to operate or don't have permits and this makes the job to find warehouse very difficult. Also the genuine warehouses are not promoted or their visibility is very less on internet which makes life difficult for people looking to rent warehouse in Jaipur
Godamwale did an extensive ground work in Jaipur and we have summarized our finding in below table. This table shows the main locations to consider based on area range of warehouse and rates.

As we can see from above table, Vishwakarma industrial area & Sitapura industrial area is main warehousing hub for big players. Mostly all the larges sheds & RCC warehouses are available in these areas. These location can serve for storage/distribution of White goods/Industrial Goods as well as fabrication/manufacturing purpose
Where as locations inside city like Bais godam, Ramchandrapura, Transport nagar, Adarsh nagar are considered for RCC Godowns. These areas have very few sheds, mostly small sheds. These areas are mainly useful for storage and distribution of white goods & FMCG products.
As mentioned in start, there is big issue of legal warehouse so,Godamwale advises to check the documents of warehouse before doing the final agreement
In the process of our research and ground work, Godamwale has listed around 40 (& Counting) warehouses to make job of warehouse scouting a bit easier . The details of each warehouse are mentioned on our website www.godamwale.com
You can find all the warehouse centric parameters along with photos of each warehouse. These warehouses are personally verified and listed by owners.
The below table shows a brief summary of warehouses listed with Godamwale in Jaipur

We have started this analysis series about "warehousing industry in each city to give a quick idea to people/companies looking to rent warehouse. Kindly provide your feedback in comment section, we can update the same in our analysis
Godamwale Team